NYS Designates OCSD as Target District
Posted on 01/27/2020
The Oneida City School District was identified by the New York State Education Department through ESSA accountability as a Targeted District. North Broad Elementary School continues to be identified as Comprehensive Support and Improvement building (CSI).  Additionally, Otto Shortell Middle School was identified as a Targeted Support and Improvement building (TSI).  All other buildings in the Oneida City School District were listed as being in good standing.
The identifications are based on student performance and growth on NYS 3-8 assessments, the number of students participating in the NYS  3-8 assessments, chronic absenteeism, graduation rate, and college and career readiness.  Currently, the district has a low number of students participating in the NYS 3-8 assessments which directly impacts the identifications.
The district believes that the identifications will provide an opportunity to grow and learn.  We will be following NYSED guidelines for CSI schools, TSI schools, and Targeted districts.

In order to be removed from the list, improvement must be shown over the course of two years.